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DIY Crochet Cupcake Hat

I can’t believe winter is coming and it will soon be cold enough for coats and mittens. But I’ll feel better if …

Oven Cupcake Box Tutorial

Oven Cupcake Box Tutorial

I’m just tickled by this Oven Cupcake Box Tutorial! Such a wonderfully cute and creative way to hand out cupcakes. I think …

cupcake candlrd

Cupcake Candles Tutorial

Super-sweet but not edible favor for a wedding or wedding shower, this Cupcake Candles Tutorial has step-by-step photos. So cute, and wouldn’t …

Cupcake Bath Bombs Tutorial

Cupcake Bath Bombs Tutorial

Nope, not edible, but eminently gift-able. Mix up some unique ingredients and make bath bombs in cupcake liners. Add royal icing and …