Printable Bag Toppers Kit
I love to make handmade food gifts for teachers and other people who we want to show our appreciation at the holidays. This year, I made Spiced Cider Caramels and packaged them in this great Printable Bag Toppers Kit. It was very very easy and came out looking spectacular. The kit includes 40 self-sealing bags and 40 blank printable toppers. The toppers are like large pre-cut labels, 4 of them on each 8 1/2 x 11 sheet. I used the website at to make these cute toppers in about 10 minutes. I picked one of their premade templates and added personalized text on one side of the toppers. You can customize them with your own pictures and text and make changes to one topper or all of them at once. Everyone loved them and I loved how easy it was to make something so nice. I can see using these for anything from party or wedding favors to packaging items for sale. The kit is available from Amazon, where I received the set for review.