Feedback Appreciated

Hi Everyone,
I’ve been trying out some new features to find out what craft projects everyone likes best so I can find more of them. You can help by trying out my newest idea – clickable voting links. They’ll be at the bottom of each new post. The example is just below.ย  You can even click to let me know how you like this post about the new voting! When you click, it will go to another page for a just a quick second as it records your vote. The it brings you right back where you were. That’s all there is to it. It makes a little tick mark on a list and then I know whether to post more of that type or maybe not so much. ๐Ÿ™‚
With the dozens of categories and thousands of projects that we have listed at, it can be hard to know where to focus our attention, so your help is appreciated. Thank you!

Please vote by clicking: Like this Craft?Like a little?Not really?

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