Homemade Halloween Costumes E-Book Review

Homemade Halloween Costumes Ebook

Growing up, I never wore a
store-bought costume. Nor did I wear an elaborately-sewn homemade costume.
My strongest Halloween memories are my mom brainstorming a creative
costume out of next to nothing. Rarely did my sister and go out trick or
treating as the latest trendy character. We were more likely to show up as
a television set. My mom’s inguenity and creativity had a big impact on
who I am. I still love Halloween, and I was tickled by this Halloween
Costumes ebook that I found recently.

I’ve seen many Halloween costumes books. Most have color photos and are
sold in the big bookstores. This book is a homemade family affair, like
I remember Halloween with my family. It is in pdf format to read or
print from your computer. You can download it today. I print the pages
that I’ll need when I need them.

There aren’t many color photos with the costumes, though some have
simple diagrams. Some have links to websites to show you the idea. Since
you’ll be making most of the costumes from items you already have or can
easily get, your costume will have its own unique flair. Reading these
pages of costumes, I felt like I was listening to my mom and her sisters
figure out my costume this year.

There are more than 90 different costumes listed in alphabetical order
with a table of contents. They range from people to characters to
objects, to plays on words and animals and occupations and more. Just
read the table of contents to your kids and you’ll be on your way to a
happy Halloween.

The costumes are very child-friendly and safe. Many are based on a
sweatshirt and pants or leggings. They use simple supplies like
posterboard, cardboard boxes, and basic craft supplies like paint,
pom-poms, and pipe cleaners. One high-tech innovation that I like is how
they suggest taking a playing card to the copy center and having it
blown up to blueprint size to make a Queen of Hearts costume. This
technique is used in a few ideas and costs just a few dollars. If that’s
not available to you, they do suggest alternatives.

There are a few extra ideas in this book for last minute costumes,
sibling costumes, face painting, papier-mache masks and Halloween
treats. Plus, this e-book comes with two extra books. One is on face
painting. It includes a few popular designs with step-by-step photos and
instructions. The second bonus is Halloween Food for Kids, with recipes
and party foods.

If you’re looking for a great resource for making easy homemade costumes
for your kids, you’ll enjoy this book. The Halloween memories from
making your own costumes are priceless, and this book makes it easy.
Happy Halloween!

Find out more at their website.

They’ve also just released an entire
book on face painting

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