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free, Page 56

Tropical Fish Wall Hanging Quilt

Stitch this beautiful pieced Tropical Fish Wall Hanging – great way to use up some unique fabrics. Added to Quilting Patterns

Kool-Aid Yarn Dyeing

Fully illustrated directions to dye yarn using Kool-Aid packets or other drink mixes. Creative! Added to Knitting and Crochet

Crayon Nibbles

Break out an old mini-muffin pan to make these easy-to-hold Crayon Nibbles. Added to Kids Crafts and Recycled Crafts

Altered Pop-Tab Can

Fun, fun, fun! No one will know how you put a gift inside a cute little can unless they see this great …

Toddler Recycled Crafts

Have fun creating wacky Juice Box Buddies with your little ones. Create a great take-along toy – a CD Case WipeBoard. Added …